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Bangsamoro deal a model for conflict-affected countries

Date: April 2, 2014

Press Clip Source: Phillipine Information Agency
Written By: DED-PIA 12/OPAPP
Date: April 2nd, 2014
Read Original Article: Here

COTABATO CITY,  April 2 (PIA) --    Countries  suffering   from   internal armed  conflicts  could look  up to the Philippines, according  to   a  global  nonpartisan  unarmed peacekeeping  organization.

Nonviolent  Peaceforce  said in a statement that the newly-signed Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro   between the  Government and the  Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic  Liberation  Front (MILF) is a peace model  worth emulation by  other  countries.

“This is not only a resounding triumph for Mindanao and the nation of the Philippines, but it is also a great model that can help many other countries facing similar issues. This serves as a brilliant reminder that dialogue, negotiation and dedication have the power to bring about real and lasting change. This is a real victory for peace,” Nonviolent Peaceforce said

The GPH and the MILF signed  the  CAB  on March  27  in Malacanang  Palace   after long  years  of  negotiations, marked by small and big wars that killed and displaced tens of thousands of people in conflict-affected areas in the island.


“This milestone solidifies the foundation for the Bangsamoro sub-state, which will provide the region greater political and governing autonomy. It will also preserve the vibrant history, tradition and culture of the Moro people. Moreover, this epic achievement will bring an end to the decades of violence that have plagued Mindanao,” Nonviolent Peaceforce said.

Mindanao civil society leader Guiamel Alim, who also serves as chairman of the Nonviolent Peaceforce Philippines Advisory Council, described the CAB signing as an initial victory in the long Bangsamoro struggle for self-determination. 

“This political gain must be sustained to improve the socio-economic life of the Bangsamoro,” he stressed in the statement.

Nonviolent Peaceforce has been in Mindanao, actively working to support the peace process since 2007.

Nonviolent Peaceforce was initially invited by local civil society to foster efforts in improving human security. This was specifically related to civilian protection and human rights issues using proactive and nonviolent methods.

In 2010, Nonviolent Peaceforce had the privilege of joining the Civilian Protection Component (CPC) of the International Monitoring Team (IMT) at the invitation of the MILF and GPH peace panels.

The IMT is the mechanism charged with monitoring the ceasefire and overseeing humanitarian as well as human rights initiatives. As a member of the CPC, Nonviolent Peaceforce has focused on protecting the safety and security of non-combatants throughout the peace process. (DED-PIA 12/OPAPP)

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