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Your voice matters. Advocacy is essential to driving change and building a safer, more just world. By contacting your senators and representatives, you can influence policies that impact lives around the globe. Let your elected officials know that peacebuilding, protection, and conflict prevention are priorities for you.
Member of NP Ukraine staff looks at boxes at a transit center

Resume humanitarian aid

On January 20, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order pausing U.S. foreign aid for 90 days, followed by a stop-work order halting new and ongoing programs. This disruption endangers lives, disrupting essential programs to decrease violence, hunger, and disease. Protecting civilians is a nonpartisan imperative that all members of Congress should support. 

How You Can Help:

  • Tell Congress: The U.S. Government must honor its commitments and continue supporting essential and lifesaving humanitarian aid programs throughout its internal review period.

Act now to ensure humanitarian work continues uninterrupted during this critical time. 

Where you can make a difference

U.S. Foreign Policy


Tell Congress: The U.S. State Department and USAID must honor its commitments and continue supporting essential and lifesaving humanitarian aid programs throughout its 90-day internal review period. 

Humanitarian aid—like the civilian protection that NP supports, sustains, and providessaves the lives of people impacted by conflict and crisis all over the world. Protecting the lives of people is something that representatives of all political stripes can, have, and should, support.  

On January 20, 2025, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order calling for a 90-day pause in United States foreign development assistance, during which time “an assessment of programmatic efficiencies and consistency with United States foreign policy will be conducted.” This was followed by a stop-work order which requires that the U.S. Department of State make no new commitments for foreign assistance and pause all work on current programs. 

This pause in humanitarian assistance provided by the US Government will have grave impacts around the world. Disruption to humanitarian aid means that people will face more violence, struggle to access food, and face high risk of disease and death.  

To save lives, it is critical that the U.S. Government revoke the stop-work order, honor existing grant obligations throughout its internal review process, and enable lifesaving humanitarian work to continue. 

Tell Congress: Take concrete actions to address the atrocities that are taking place in Sudan and condemn the UAE for fueling the conflict.

NP supports the Refugees International advocacy campaign to #SpeakOutOnSudan and calls upon the Administration to take concrete actions to address the atrocities that are taking place in Sudan and condemn the UAE for fueling the conflict. NP also calls on the global media to cover the conflict in Sudan with the urgency and attention that these atrocities demand. Read more about the campaign at https://www.refugeesinternational.org/actions/speak-out-on-sudan/ 

Tell Congress: Robustly fund peacebuilding, protection, and conflict prevention accounts in the State Department’s appropriations bill. These efforts are moral imperatives and strategic investments that align with U.S. national interests.

NP requests that Congress robustly fund key peacebuilding, protection and conflict prevention accounts in the State Department, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPs) appropriations bill each year. These accounts support the ability of the U.S. Government to prevent further violence and mitigate ongoing violence through locally-led interventions and key legal and policy frameworks. Funding efforts to prevent violent conflict, atrocities, and fragility and build more peaceful societies is not only a moral priority, but also an investment that advances U.S. national interests and protects taxpayer dollars. NP’s specific appropriations requests are reflected in joint documents created with the Alliance for Peacebuilding and InterAction.  

Tell Congress: Oppose the transfer of indiscriminate weapons like antipersonnel landmines and cluster munitions. Advocate for global protection norms that prioritize civilian safety.

NP opposes the transfer of all indiscriminate weapons, including the U.S. transfer of antipersonnel landmines to Ukraine and calls on the Administration to reverse this decision and align US policy and actions with requirements of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. No country should use indiscriminate weapons, whose use will inevitably harm civilians for generations and undermine global protection norms.  

Tell Congress: Secure an immediate ceasefire across Gaza, Lebanon, Israel, and the broader region. Protect civilians and uphold international humanitarian law.

NP calls on UN member states to secure an immediate ceasefire across Gaza, Lebanon, Israel and the region at large and to end the impunity that has allowed Israel to carry out atrocities against civilians. We anticipate continued violence against civilians, particularly in Gaza, and failure to act now will result in further atrocities and blatant violations of international humanitarian law.  

U.S. Domestic Policy


Tell Congress: To save lives, it is critical that the U.S. Government rescinds the pause on federal funding, honor existing grant obligations throughout its internal review process, and prevent further attempts to block programs that strengthen our communities. 

On January 27, 2025, President Trump and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced a $3 trillion pause on federal funding, halting grants, loans, and financial assistance while agencies review programs for alignment with executive orders. This goes into effect on February 3. 

This sweeping freeze disrupts essential services—including disaster relief, violence reduction, healthcare, education, housing, and infrastructure—placing millions at risk. The government must honor existing grant obligations and allow lifesaving programs to continue. 

Other ways to take action 

Share Your Stories: If the federal funding freeze is impacting you or your organization please consider sharing its impact: Collier Collective Survey

Tell Congress: Oppose provisions that could threaten nonprofit tax-exempt status without due process. Protect free speech and prevent political censorship.

NP calls on U.S. Senators and Representatives to oppose language from H.R. 640, introduced in the 118th Congress as H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, which would allow the Secretary of the Treasury unilateral authority to strip non-profits of tax-exempt status. This creates a high risk of politicized, retributive and discriminatory behavior without due process or impartial review if they deem it a “terrorism supporting” organization without requiring the Secretary to share their full evidence or reasoning with accused nonprofits. If approved in the Senate, this bill would allow the executive branch to silence critics, curb free speech, censor nonprofit media outlets, target political opponents, and punish disfavored groups across the political spectrum. 

Tell Congress: Support federal grants for evidence-based violence intervention programs to reduce gun violence and create opportunities in impacted communities.

NP supports The Break the Cycle of Violence Act which would provide federal grants to communities for evidence-informed community violence intervention and prevention programs designed to interrupt cycles of violence. This kind of investment in evidence-based, anti-violence programs would provide job opportunities and workforce training to break cycles of gun violence which is essential to reducing gun violence, especially in disproportionately impacted Black and Brown communities.  

Tell Congress: Prioritize proactive action to promote comprehensive, community-centered safety and security in our communities.

As a member of the Community Safety Working Group (a group of more than 70 civil rights, public health, racial justice, housing, violence prevention, economic justice, and allied organizations nationwide dedicated to building safety that works for all communities), NP urges Congress to advance the Community Safety Legislative Agenda, which prioritizes proactive action to promote comprehensive, community-centered safety and security in our communities. Read the full community safety legislative agenda here.

By taking action today, you become part of a global movement for peace and safety. Together, our voices can build a better future.
