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Our SpeakUp® Mechanism
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Accountability and Transparency

Our commitment

We are committed to providing principled, accountable, and high-quality civilian protection.

We are guided by principles of nonviolence, non-partisanship, primacy of local actors, and civilian-to-civilian action.

We believe that change is possible, that systemic change is the result of cumulative individual work. We commit to holding ourselves accountable for our choices and doing our deep personal work.

Responsible Stewards

Driven by our principles, we have enhanced the quality of our work and our capacity to be responsible stewards of the resources we have been given.

One of our priorities is to maintain quality in all aspects of our work, including responsible use of power, integration of global best practices and standards, and accountability to all stakeholders and above all the communities we serve.

CHS Alliance Logo
2024 NP CHS Validation stamp
Candid Seal Platinum 2024
Great nonprofits Top-Rated nonprofit seal
Misconduct Disclosure Scheme
Charity Navigator logo


Strategic Planning

View our Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025

View our Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020

Innovation Partners

NP has partnered with the Climate Action Accelerator and commits to significantly reducing our interventions' greenhouse gas emissions, and aligning our organisation around an environmental ambition that is in line with the Paris agreement goals. With their support, NP will promote the implementation of environmentally friendly practices, aiming to reduce by half our carbon footprint by 2030.

Climate Change Accelerator logo

NP has partnered with the CyberPeace Institute to address the rise of cyberattacks to the humanitarian world, reduce our vulnerability to it, and work together for a better data protection of our work and the people we serve.

Cyber Peace Builders