Giving from Europe
Make a Gift
Transnational Giving Europe
from geneva to communities
Give the Gift of Peace
If you live in an European country (outside of Switzerland, France or Belgium) and would like to take advantage of a tax deduction for your local taxes, you may give to Nonviolent Peaceforce through Transnational Giving Europe (TGE).
Through TGE, you give to a registered organisation within your country that will transfer your gift to Nonviolent Peaceforce in Geneva, Switzerland. By donating through this local organisation, they will provide you with a receipt for tax deduction.
How to donate:
To begin, go to TGE and search for the registered partner in your country. Your gift should be directed to Nonviolent Peaceforce International, Switzerland. Depending on the partner and the country, you will have the possibility to give online or offline.