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Peace Leaders of Tomorrow: the Institut Catholique de Paris begins Third Year of Unarmed Civilian Protection Course

Date: January 4, 2021


Un campus au c ur de Paris


For the third consecutive year, NP is collaborating with the Institut Catholique de Paris to offer a course in Unarmed Civilian Protection (Intervention Civile de Paix, or ICP, in French) for students and peace professionals alike. Participants will acquire key notions and knowledge of UCP in six modulesfour online and two face-to-face. The course, offered in French and running from January to July 2021, aims to equip the next generation of peace leaders with the practical and theoretical knowledge to build lasting peace.  

Unarmed Civilian Protection is little known to the general public, though this is changing. To this point, most of the conversations with civilians, training of unarmed teams in civilian protection and work in regions experiencing violent conflict happens away from public and academic spotlight, and with the support of international institutions. This course will expand the field through introducing UCP to a broad cohort of individuals. 

 DU ICP Actu


NP, as one of the leading advocates and practitioners of UCP, provided knowledge and experience of UCP to develop the course two years ago, and regularly provides course participants with case studies and experiences from the field. 

The Institut Catholique de Paris shares: "In keeping with [our] approach to integral ecology, the course questions our relationship to the Other, to those who are different. It aims to recognize the whole person and our shared humanity as we build coherence and empathy. The course takes a multidisciplinary approach to solidarity, drawing links between economic, legal, sociological and political approaches and aims to move away from emergency management, withdrawal and inhospitality and towards peaceful alternatives." 

Thanks to supporters like you, NP can spread the word about Unarmed Civilian Protection to an international audience and continue to build a global community of practice. Join us in celebrating the participants as they begin this exciting journey!

You can protect civilians who are living in or fleeing violent conflict. Your contribution will transform the world's response to conflict.