Moving Toward the Center of Violence
Press Clip Source: Fellowship of Reconciliation
Written By: Nicholas Mele
Date: October 1, 2013
Read Original Article: Here
Is the job of a peacemaker to move away from violence or into the midst of it? What can a small number of nonviolent interveners do when a regional conflict spirals toward war after several years of uneasy peace? How can nonviolent peace activists respond if they are threatened or find themselves in the midst of a violent situation?
These questions and challenges face the members of Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) in our work around the world. Our overall goals are to build support for nonviolent intervention, to increase the pool of trained people available for such work, and to deploy teams as large as hundreds or thousands of professional nonviolent peacekeepers. And we have found these issues placed on dramatic display in Sri Lanka, in the midst of rising violence that has generated international news in recent weeks.