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Sector Statement: Queering Atrocity Prevention  

Date: June 8, 2022
Various logos of organizations in the humanitarian sector.

Across the world, LGBQTI+ communities have been, and still are, deliberately targeted by systematic violence and discrimination. While this type of violence takes many forms, crimes against LGBTQI+ individuals and communities may still meet the conceptual and legal thresholds of mass atrocity crimes, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

And, recognising the absence of LGBTQI+ professionals and queer analysis from atrocity prevention, we call on our sector to ‘queer atrocity prevention.’ The responsibility to protect all populations from atrocity crimes is a shared one. 

NP is proud to make this commitment along with 20 other human rights organizations and over two dozen individual scholars, researchers, and peace builders within our sector (at time of release; statement is open for additional signatures). Together, we will go beyond identifying LGBTQI+ risks and vulnerabilities and begin examining the structures that normalize identity-based violence against these communities.

NP shares a vision of a world free of violence and mass atrocity crimes. In order to achieve this goal, we must protect civilians of all communities.

Read the full Queering Atrocity Prevention Sector Statement here.

See the "Queering Atrocity Prevention" ideas paper from our friends at Protection Approaches here.

You can protect civilians who are living in or fleeing violent conflict. Your contribution will transform the world's response to conflict.