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Sustaining Support: Renk, South Sudan

January 2024

Sustaining Support: Renk, South Sudan

Programme Brief

As the conflict in Sudan spreads southwards, the devastating impact on civilians continues to escalate and force people to seek sanctuary in South Sudan. This is resulting in an immense strain on resources, especially in Renk county, which is the first point of arrival for the majority of those displaced. Without any political solution to the conflict in sight, decision makers need to identify and prioritise needs in order to continue supporting the hundreds of thousands of people desperately in need of basic services.

Tags: Forced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency ResponsePreventing & Responding to SGBVSocial Cohesion
South SudanSudan
Full logo: text of 'Nonviolent Peaceforce' with a circle behind "peace"

December 2023

Case studies of Unarmed Civilian Protection: Climate, Conflict, & Civilian-Led Protection

In light of the intricate challenges posed by the combination of climate change with conflicts, this brief explores the application of Unarmed Civilian Protection as a strategic approach. The case studies presented below examine instances where community-led initiatives have effectively addressed vulnerabilities stemming from the interplay of climate and conflict dynamics, including bolstering community resilience. Recognizing climate change as a prominent driver of contemporary challenges, this brief underscores the need for adaptable strategies in the face of evolving threats. Strengthening our programmatic responses is a priority for Nonviolent Peaceforce, and we are learning and growing as this intersection of climate and conflict mutates and evolves. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to peaceful resolutions without inciting further violence.

Tags: Climate & Conflict
MyanmarPhilippinesSouth SudanSudan
Stuck in Transit: Malakal and Paloch, Upper Nile State, South Sudan (September/October 2023)

September/October 2023

Stuck in Transit: Malakal and Paloch, Upper Nile State, South Sudan

Programme Brief

The enduring conflict in Sudan has precipitated a massive influx of individuals into South Sudan, with a staggering 82% entering through Upper Nile. Humanitarian agencies and government entities have primarily concentrated on aiding the onward movement of displaced individuals from border areas to their final destinations, while those stuck in transit at points like Malakal and Paloch have received less attention. This report issues three vital recommendations, calling for the integration of development and resilience-building efforts with emergency responses, balanced service distribution across communities, and fostering open communication and engagement with affected communities to address these complex humanitarian challenges effectively

Tags: Forced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency ResponseSocial Cohesion
South SudanSudan
SEEKING HARMONY IN HARDSHIP: A Conflict Sensitivity Report on Renk, South Sudan (August 2023)

August 30, 2023

Seeking Harmony in Hardship: A Conflict Sensitivity Report on Renk, South Sudan

Programme Brief

The sudden outbreak of conflict in Sudan and the sheer amount of displacement has been an immense challenge. Given the scale of the needs and the number of partners involved, the overall humanitarian response in Renk has overcome many difficulties and has been making positive progress. This report highlights four areas to prioritise in Renk as the response transitions from emergency to a more longer-term intervention: onward movement, intercommunal tensions and violence, protection and SGBV, as well as access to essential goods and services.

Tags: Forced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency ResponsePreventing & Responding to SGBVSocial Cohesion
South SudanSudan
Flash Report: Urgent Protection Needs & Responses in Zamzam IDP Camp (July 2023)

August 4, 2023

Flash Report: Urgent Protection Needs & Responses in Zamzam IDP Camp

Programme Brief

NP has been working with communities in El Fasher since 2021, implementing unarmed civilian protection strategies. On July 17, NPSD conducted a rapid protection assessment in Sector D of Zamzam camp, engaging with local authorities, women’s groups, youth, and IDP leaders. The discussions focused on the protection needs and risks faced by both recently displaced families from Tawila and the host communities in Zamzam camp.

Tags: Forced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency ResponsePreventing & Responding to SGBVWomen Peace & SecurityYouth Peace & Security
South SudanSudan
From conflict to conflict

June 27, 2023

From conflict to conflict: Protection needs and responses in South Sudan amid the Sudan crisis

Programme Brief

This report highlights ongoing protection needs and risks facing returnees and host communities in South Sudan in the wake of the Sudan crisis, as well as highlights the need for urgent and conflict-sensitive responses to these needs. These responses must include a rapid scale-up of response for both returnee and host communities; include dedicated resources for a holistic protection response that goes beyond case management; invest in community-led mechanisms; and for open and accessible information on this response to be made available to civilians.

Tags: Child ProtectionForced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency ResponsePreventing & Responding to SGBVSocial Cohesion
South SudanSudan
Flash Report: Violent Conflict in Sudan, No End in Sight (May 2023)‎

May 30, 2023

Flash Report: Violent Conflict in Sudan, No End in Sight

Programme Brief

The risk of Darfur descending into a humanitarian catastrophe is high and it becomes higher with each passing day. In the coming weeks and months, NP’s team will focus on delivering these interventions.

Tags: Forced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency Response
Snapshot: Civilian Protection Needs and Responses in Sudan

April 26, 2023

Snapshot: Civilian Protection Needs and Responses in Sudan

Programme Brief

The recent escalation of fighting in Sudan has introduced new and rapidly exacerbated existing civilian protection concerns. Civilians are being exposed not only to the impacts of active fighting including gunfire, shelling, and unexploded ordnance (UXO), but also increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), displacement, child recruitment, and intercommunal mistrust and violence. This snapshot highlights ongoing protection needs and risks facing civilians in Sudan, as well as highlights the need for urgent responses.

Tags: Child ProtectionForced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency ResponsePreventing & Responding to SGBV
Unarmed Civilian Protection in Practice 2022


Interrupting Cycles of Violence Unarmed Civilian Protection in Practice 2022

Programme Brief

In this new report, we share stories of our people-centered approach to protecting civilians, and what that means in practice. With examples from Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan, South Sudan, Iraq, the Philippines, and the United States, the report details initiatives taken by local communities and NP in 2022 to interrupt cycles of violence.

Tags: Ceasefire & Peace ProcessesHumanitarian Emergency ResponseSocial CohesionWomen Peace & SecurityYouth Peace & Security
IraqMyanmarPhilippinesSouth SudanSudanUkraineUnited States
Blue banner at top and preview of two columns of text. First page of case study.

November 2022

Tarshana, Darfur

Case Study

Through close communication and analysis with the community, NP is implementing awareness raising activities on protection, GBV and peaceful coexistence, community protection trainings, and protective patrols, to respond to the challenges the Tarshana community faces, and to enhance the safety and security of at-risk communities in Tarshana while promoting nonviolent responses to conflict and enhance social cohesion.

Tags: Food securityGender Peace & SecuritySocial CohesionWomen Peace & Security