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NGOs Jointly Urge Member States to Address Food Insecurity and Civilian Protection in Lead-up to UN Security Council Debate

Date: May 18, 2023

Nonviolent Peaceforce, alongside 20 other leading organizations working to improve the protection of civilians in armed conflict (PoC), have published a joint statement ahead of the May 23rd UN Security Council Open Debate at the sixth edition of PoC Week. This statement calls for UN Member States to take swift and ambitious action in addressing the need for policies and practices that effectively address the full protection of civilians in all their diversity.

The statement reads: "This year’s Secretary-General’s Protection of Civilians (POC) report and the Security Council’s Open Debate brings a strong focus on conflict and hunger. Five years after UN Security Council resolution 2417, in which the Council unanimously recognized that conflict-induced food insecurity and the unlawful denial of humanitarian access threaten international peace and security, civilians find themselves in the midst of the most severe global hunger and malnutrition crisis in modern history."

Read the full statement that includes recommendations for building food security, stability, and peace below.

You can protect civilians who are living in or fleeing violent conflict. Your contribution will transform the world's response to conflict.