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Planned Gifts

Planned Gifts can be a way to make a bigger impact than you ever thought possible. By making a Planned Gift to Nonviolent Peaceforce you are creating a future where conflicts are resolved through nonviolence. You can pass on a world to future generations where words are chosen over bombs.

Planned Giving

Leave a Lasting Legacy


This is the most popular type of Planned Gift. A bequest is a gift made through a will or living trust and is usually a percentage or dollar amount of an estate that goes to a nonprofit after the donor’s death. Supporters can often make a larger gift in their will than they can during their lifetime, creating a powerful legacy of peace. 

Courtesy of our partners at FreeWill, you can now make a gift to create a peaceful future by creating or updating your legal will online, at no cost. If you would prefer to work with an attorney, you can also save on costs by using FreeWill to document your wishes first.

Charitable IRA Rollover (also referred to as Qualified Minimum Distribution)

If you’re 73 years or older, you can donate up to $100,000 from your IRA to charities of your choice without having to pay income tax on the donation. The funds must be transferred directly to the charity.

Life Insurance and Retirement Plans

You can choose to designate a portion of all of your Life Insurance or IRA/401 (k) or other retirement plans to a non-profit. It may provide the opportunity to make a larger gift, and heirs benefit as well since both are exempt from estate tax.

Charitable Gift Annuities

A charitable gift annuity provides you a fixed income payment for life in return for transferring an irrevocable gift of cash or securities. While providing for yourself and your family, you can make a lasting impact to create peace in the world. You also qualify for tax benefits, including a federal income tax deduction, when you itemize. Make your Charitable Gift Annuity today through Friends Fiduciary. 

If you would like to make a legacy gift and are in
the United States, please contact Anna Zaros, Director of Organizational Advancement, at 612-871-0005 x226 or [email protected]

When including Nonviolent Peaceforce in your giving plans, our legal tax name is Nonviolent Peaceforce, Inc and our Tax ID Number is 35-2197019.

Read Their Story

Meet Helen and Raj Desai

Helen and Raj Desai are Nonviolent Peaceforce monthly sustaining supporters and members of our Legacy Circle, a group of generous people committed to protecting civilians for generations to come. Helen says, “To help people is to make yourself happy. We have to go on educating others. Women are rising up all over the world and they’re asking for their voice to be heard. And Nonviolent Peaceforce helps very, very much with this.”
Read the full story of Helen and Raj
Helen and Raj Desai