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January 2024

Interrupting Gang Violence: Lessons Learned From Juba IDP Camp

Case Study

Intergroup and gang violence is a major concern for South Sudanese communities, particularly those who reside in internal displacement camps. Following the withdrawal of the UN Mission in South Sudan as security actors from sites since 2020, youth groups – which self-identify as gangs – have emerged in greater numbers and become a major safety concern for communities. Violence including physical attacks resulting in injury and death, rape and sexual violence, looting and other forms of harassment have increased as gangs have gained membership numbers and strength.

Tags: Youth Peace & Security
South Sudan
Mandatory Evacuations of Civilians in Kherson Oblast: Emergency Response Photo taken from backseat of a car, showing driving on a road

September 2023

Mandatory Evacuations of Civilians in Kherson Oblast: Emergency Response

Case Study

On 21st and 22nd of September, Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) team facilitated civilian evacuations from Dar’ivka Hromada. On the 21st, NP received a call from a focal point in Mykil's'ke about two families in need of an evacuation following a terrifying night of constant and heavy shelling by RF. NP, in partnership with SylniBoVilni, a local volunteer collective, facilitated the evacuation.

Tags: Forced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency Response
Blue banner at top and preview of two columns of text. First page of case study.

January 2023

Mitigating tensions between community members and duty bearers

Case Study

A review of NP’s work in Hardan Village, Sinjar District in 2022: NP began engaging in Hardan in May 2022 to address growing tensions with the potential for further escalation within the community. Community members started sharing with NP that tensions mostly arose over the allocation of services, goods, and infrastructure, rooted in perceived and real power inequality between and within the communities. Aware that similar tensions had given rise to threats of violence in other areas in Sinjar District, NP began proactive engagement to de-escalate these situations and strengthen the capacity of community members to address protection concerns.

Tags: Gender Peace & SecuritySocial CohesionWomen Peace & SecurityYouth Peace & Security
Middle East
Blue banner at top and preview of two columns of text. First page of case study.

November 2022

Tarshana, Darfur

Case Study

Through close communication and analysis with the community, NP is implementing awareness raising activities on protection, GBV and peaceful coexistence, community protection trainings, and protective patrols, to respond to the challenges the Tarshana community faces, and to enhance the safety and security of at-risk communities in Tarshana while promoting nonviolent responses to conflict and enhance social cohesion.

Tags: Food securityGender Peace & SecuritySocial CohesionWomen Peace & Security
Case study front page with NP logo

February 2020

Creating Safe Access to Response Services for Gender-Based Violence Survivors in Leer

Case Study

Despite the natural constraints of operating as a mobile team (operating without a fixed base in Leer), the SU team successfully, over a series of visits, established and strengthened a referral pathway for SGBV survivors in Leer County.

Tags: Preventing & Responding to SGBV
South Sudan
Blue banner at top and preview of two columns of text. First page of case study.

November 2019

Preventing Gender-Based Violence through Protective Presence in Sikasi Area

Case Study

Sikasi, an area that starts outside of Bentiu POC that stretches for approximately 10 KM north of the POC, is visited by about three hundred people daily. Residents of Sikasi village, Bentiu POC, and Rubkona come to Sikasi to collect firewood and produce charcoal. Due to its isolation and heavy military presence, civilians, especially women and children, are frequently at risk of gender-based violence.

Tags: Preventing & Responding to SGBV
South Sudan
"Case Studies of Unarmed Civilian Protection March 2016" and NP logo. Photo is featured with people leaving an IDP camp with food and water

March 2016

Case Studies of Unarmed Civilian Protection

Case Study

Case studies on Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) in South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Guatemala, Philippines, and Papua.

Tags: Ceasefire & Peace ProcessesForced DisplacementHumanitarian Emergency ResponseWomen Peace & Security
ColombiaGuatemalaIndonesiaPhilippinesSouth Sudan
Image still from video presentation. On the left, a woman in a red shirt speaks. "NP's response" and "NP and local leaders organized security actors to respond to the situation" are listed above a photo on the screen of men in military uniform speaking in a circle

March 19, 2014

Preventing Sexual Violence in Emergencies: South Sudan Case Study

Case Study

Before the NP presence there were around 150 reports of violence per month, in the month following the implementation of NP strategies there were zero reports of violence and this continued. Violence had been completely eradicated in the community. A local woman said, “When NP started working here, everything changed. Before, we were scared to even leave our houses. Now we even feel safe to be outside and bathing at midnight.”

Tags: Gender Peace & SecurityPreventing & Responding to SGBV
South Sudan
"Interstate Conflict in South Sudan: A Case Study in Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping" title above a picture of men in a Toyota truck -- cover page of a report

October 10, 2011

Mvolo County and Yirol West County Reconciliation Process

Case Study

Nonviolent Peaceforce played a crucial role in resolving an escalating conflict between the Jur farmers and Dinka cattle keepers in South Sudan's Mvolo and Yirol West counties by employing unarmed civilian protection strategies. Through information gathering, dialogue facilitation, and protective accompaniment, NP successfully helped establish a ceasefire, re-open schools and hospitals, and encouraged displaced communities to return home, fostering long-term peace and stability.

Tags: Ceasefire & Peace Processes
South Sudan